Civil Litigation Associate for Boutique Employment Discrimination Law Firm, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Civil Litigation Associate for All-Purpose Intellectual Property Law Firm, Plantation, FL
Law Clerk, American Civil Liberties Union of Florida, Miami, FL
Law Clerk for Boutique Complex and Commercial Litigation Law Firm, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Graduated First in His Class:
• 3.95 GPA
• Summa Cum Laude
• Dean’s List, All Semesters
• Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
CALI Book Award for Top Grade:
• Legal Research & Writing I
• Legal Research & Writing II
• Family Law
• Criminal Law
• Criminal Procedure
• UCC: Sales
• UCC: Survey (Articles 3 & 9)
• Real Estate Transactions
Nova Law Review:
• Published Author, Volume 45
• Assistant Lead Technical Editor, Volume 46
• Voted Most Likely to Write a Supreme Court Opinion
Member, Broward County Bar Association
• Young Lawyers Section
Member, American Bar Association
• Law Practice Division
• Solo, Small Firm, and General Practice Division
• Young Lawyers Division
Guest Lecturer, Nova Shepard Broad College of Law
• Contracts
• Bar Prep for Evening Students
Florida Bar
Ohio Bar
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida
U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida
Reid Levin, Comment, Why Florida Should Reject Prenuptial Agreement Interpretation Through Common Law Contract and Instead Embrace Enforcement in Equity, 45 NOVA L. REV. 63 (2020).
Reid Levin, Esq.
Civil Litigation Attorney | Founder | Legal Scholar
Reid Levin graduated summa cum laude and first in his law school class from Nova Southeastern University’s prestigious Honors Program. As a law student, Reid was on the Editorial Board of Nova Law Review, Volume 46; was inducted into Phi Kappa Phi honor society; and served as a teaching and research assistant for four esteemed faculty members, including three Deans. Most notably, Reid also clerked for the ACLU of Florida, where he helped secure victories against the State for its recently passed unconstitutional and racist laws, most notably in striking down HB1, Florida’s Anti-Riot Act.
Despite his busy schedule, Reid always made time to give back during his tenure as an evening student at NSU Law. Specifically, Reid provided one-on-one support to 1Ls and conducted over a dozen review sessions in Contracts, Civil Procedure, Property, and Legal Research & Writing, a tradition he proudly continues as a alumnus.
As a Civil Trial Attorney, Reid specializes in contract disputes, complex business litigation, employment law, and general civil litigation. In addition to serving as the founder and principal of Reid Levin, PPLC, Reid currently serves as of counsel to the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida in Miami, FL.